As with other genealogical sites, this site would not exist if not for the generous help of the many researchers who have provided the information and advice necessary. While the internet has been an indispensable aid in acquiring historical records, there are specific individuals who need to be acknowledged for their contributions.

Fred Scheffield McCargar

Fred created the first family roster which he distributed through a series of newsletters in 1934. While there were many inaccuracies in his data, its existence alone has inspired many amateurs genealogists to research the McCargar history.

Robert S. McCargar

Robert started researching McCargar history and the McCargar name after first hearing family stories while sitting on his father’s knee. Most of the information in the “The McCargar Name” came directly from Robert’s research.

Dennis McCargar

Dennis has been researching McCargar history for several decades, and is the first McCargar I met who was not an immediate relative. Dennis has been a valuable resource for historical information.

Wayne McCargar

Wayne has been the primary resource for the information contained on this site. He has spent uncountable hours scanning census records, land records, and other historical records (many still available only on microfilm).

Cy McCargar

Web developer, proof reader, and internet search guru. I could continue for pages on my various accolades, but then this page would take too long to load. Oh… I should at least mention how humble I am. 🙂